Friday, December 30, 2011

Character Birthdays

I've found a fun way to keep in touch with characters and their updates is to keep a list of their birthdays readily at hand. Seeing as we are approaching a New Year very shortly, I see fit to start birthday-ing fairly soon.

Anyway, the first step I like to take is completing the character profile thing I posted back in October:

Once your characters are fleshed out and you have the dates of their b-days, you can save them in a notepad document (or scribble them on a sticky note or whatever. Don't judge me, I have no sticky notes!!!)

Aaaanyway, once that is done, it should look something like this: (alphabetical order) [random names, I swear I don't use such mundane tags on characters]

Aaron - December 1; Abel- August 7; Betty - November 28; Corey - November 3

Etcetera. Or, it can look like this:

January - [list of characters whose birthdays are in this month]
February - [list]
March - [list]
April - [list]

And so on. January 1st marks the 18th birthday of January, one of my more recent characters. I hope to do something nice for that, and then look readily forward to the rest of the year and all the birthdays that come with it. Shew.

Anyway, so long and thanks for all the fish. Hope you had fun with this post.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Project: Editing. Stage: Nearly Complete

I just reached chapter 11 this morning of my first NaNo novel during the editing process, and I'm nearly done! All that's left is the remainder of this flashback sequence, the climax, and then the end.

I'm not really looking forward to the climax, but it'll feel good to perfect it. It's one of those sob-sniffle-cry climaxes.


At any rate, as soon as I'm finished with the final editing (this is the 4th draft), I will format it professionally, and then send it out for - you guessed it - publishing! (Hopefully before then I get my short story 'January' published someplace). I'M SO EXCITED!

It's an adventure worth telling in its own story, isn't it?

Keep you updated,


P.S. I've been reading Bleach's Soul Badge arc. It. Is. Getting. EPIC.

This is Tsukishima. The bad guy that wasn't until he was.

He's awesome.


Monday, December 19, 2011

NaNo's dead, and Christmas is coming

NaNoWriMo has died along with the rest of November, but if you're like me, then your novel is still bursting with life, waiting to be read.

Waiting to be edited.

*dun dun*

Sadly, my epic novel "Jinxed" isn't going to be edited because 82,404 words is hard to edit. Needless to say, I'm going to instead turn to editing last year's 70k novel that will in turn be published if I can get it so. But that aside, I'm focusing on little projects for Christmas.

Merry Christmas from Silvermist and Rozar!

Here at Ebony Castle things are lighting up (literally) because of Razor's epic mage powers and how awesome they are at setting torches on fire. They look like Christmas lights. And yay for William, the literal newest addition to the "Guard", and congrats to Draco, the proud adopted dad of our lil dragon. We hope you have as fun a Christmas as us (because we still need a tree!!!)

At any rate, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Bright Jugor's Day, on Jester's planet. (Jester is a character of mine). Let's just say Happy Holidays!
