Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Character Obsession

I discovered the other day that I've been fangirling over one of my OCs a whole lot lately. It just seems that every time I sit down to write it has to be about him, and every time I pick up a pencil to draw he comes out as the end result. Then, in between both (i.e. school) I'm always thinking about him and chatting.

It's like I'm obsessed or something.


I probably am.

But anyway! The fact stands that I am now the official #1 fangirl of Rozar Altair, the 16-year old winged Avien warrior who serves as head scout and one of the Ebony Guard in Ebony Castle, headquarters for my KF stories. Here's a little more about him:

Here is half his face which I drew for a video that isn't done yet.

Here is an excerpt from his profile:

Gender: Male
Race: Avien
Age: 16
Date of Creation: May 7th, 2010
Birth date: May 7th, 2010
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Hobby: Being tricksty
(Twist): Very twisty. Very twisty indeed.
Status: Healthy

Here is a picture of him with his wings:

Please ignore my lack of ability to draw swords.

Anyway, he's also a skilled sword fighter, is great at mid-air fight scenes, can be a goofball, and according to the temporary Sims character my sister suckered me into making, he's a great kisser.

But I can't personally vouch for that. I don't think anyone can, but I plan to change that in the future.... *evil laughter*

So, there you have it. A brief overview of my favorite winged trickster. Brave, loyal, dashing, heroic, hilarious, and always there. A great character, a great friend. :)

~Silvermist the Obsessed

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