Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 19

Well, I was going to stop writing early today so that I could draw, but I ended up writing a half hour overtime and drew a half hour into school time. (oops).

At any rate, the picture is fan art of my Camp 'WriMo August '12 novel, "The Truth" and is quite sad. If I decide to upload it to DeviantART, I'll show you all.

(and by "you all" of course I mean nobody, because nobody ever reads this blog)

[Oh I'm talking to myself, wheee!]

Ahem. The novel goes well. I broke 56k today, as it seems my daily average is about 3,000 words. I'm 8k away from my goal of 65,000 words total... I think I'm about to start going into the climax. *EEEEEEEEEEEE BOOM* But never fear, there is still plenty of story to go around!

For instance there is one more flashback for a main supporting character that needs to be done, and there is the final of three flashbacks for the main character, which reveals the EBIL PLOT TWIST OF DOOM! MAHAHAHAHAHA!

Plus there needs to be the boss fight. Which takes place in a circus tent. Booyah.

Then there's the falling action, the sad almost-end, and the REALLY sad end. *SOB*

Who knows, maybe my characters will do something rash. I'm certainly not in control. They are.


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