Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 3

Hooooooooooo...... such a long day... I wrote about 3,500 words this morning in a spurt of word wars and creativity... I'm at 16,300-something... I'm so tired...

Woke up at 5:45, dumb alarm wasn't set so I freaked out and woke up 15 minutes early. Then my friend came over for math tutoring this afternoon and there went two more hours.

Dinner had better be good...

Now I'm listening to sad Japanese music and wistfully gazing at Word while instead I search for science resources. Oh well, at least the novel goes well.

I've been thinking a lot about the villain's motive. It's not very well thought-out but it has a lot of validity behind it and if I'm very, very careful I can pull it off. Meanwhile I have to build up the connection between the minor characters with the main one intricately or else my epic climax won't be as epic as I'd hoped.

So some notes to self:

-STOP! Do NOT separate the MC from the minor MCs!
-My second favorite FMC is not in character. Change that!
-Start using flashbacks! It's never too early!
-Find more muse music, the same 9 songs are getting old.

I send my heart out to other 'WriMo's. PERSEVERE!


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